Journal Paper

Ksh Robert Singh, Subir Datta, Sadhan Gope, Lalhmingliana, and M Sushilata Devi. (2012). Discrete Hopfield network for classification of food grains. International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 3(2), 383-393. Available at

Book Chapter

Shukla, Akhandanand. (2012). Virtual communication tools: a new mode of learning through web technology. In Karisidappa, C. R. & Padhi, P. (Eds), Information Control and Management in Digital Environment: Prof. K. C. Panda Festschrift Volume (pp. 175-179). New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers. [Full text].

Conference (National)

Shukla, Akhandanand & Tripathi, Aditya. (2012). Library 2.0: tools & techniques. In National Seminar on “Innovative Challenges in Information Services” (pp. 74-85). Deptt. of Library & Information Science, University of Jammu, Jammu. [Full text]. [Published by Kutub Publications: New Delhi].